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Puddlepirate06 Owner MVP Member
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Minecraft: Puddlepirate06
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Interested In joining CoastSideMC Development Team?


Apply Today we are all ways looking for new staff members to join our team.


Make sure you meet the requirements



- Must be 14+

- Demonstrate proficiency in coding plugins for Spigot / Paper.

- Experience in MySQL and Git.

- Familiarity with Minecraft server hosting.

- have a mic 



- Assist with setting up special events.

- Develop plugins, minigames, and project solutions for server use.

- Test and debug errors within a self-provided test/development environment.

Terms of Service (TOS) and Agreement for CoastSideMC Developer Application


1. Introduction:

By clicking "Apply Today" and submitting your application to join the CoastSideMC Developer Team, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Terms of Service (TOS) and Agreement. Please read these terms carefully before proceeding.


2. Eligibility and Application Submission:

You must meet the specified requirements for the developer position.

Your application must be submitted honestly and accurately.

Submission of multiple applications within a specified timeframe may result in rejection.


3. Review Process:

Your application will be reviewed by the CoastSideMC management team.

We reserve the right to contact you for further information or clarification regarding your application.

The decision to accept or reject your application rests solely with CoastSideMC and is final.


4. Confidentiality:

All information provided in your application will be treated as confidential.

You must not disclose any confidential information obtained during the application process.


5. Code of Conduct:

You must adhere to CoastSideMC's code of conduct at all times.

Conduct yourself in a respectful and professional manner towards fellow developers, staff members, and players.

Do not engage in any form of cheating, abuse, harassment, or discrimination.


6. Responsibilities:

If accepted, you agree to fulfill the duties and responsibilities associated with your developer role.

You must be available to perform your duties according to the schedule determined by CoastSideMC.

Promptly report any issues or concerns to the management team.


7. Volunteer Basis:

You acknowledge that the developer position within the CoastSideMC team is voluntary and unpaid.

While serving as a volunteer developer, you may receive discounted rates or benefits on certain in-game items or services as determined by CoastSideMC.


8. Termination:

CoastSideMC reserves the right to terminate your developer position at any time, with or without cause.

Breach of this Agreement or CoastSideMC's rules may result in immediate termination.


9. Amendments:

CoastSideMC reserves the right to amend or modify this Agreement at any time without prior notice.

Any changes to this Agreement will be effective immediately upon posting on the CoastSideMC website or forums.

By submitting your application, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Terms of Service (TOS) and Agreement. Failure to comply with this Agreement may result in rejection of your application or termination of your developer position.

Still interested click here.

Appeals 4 months ago

The Player Appeal section can be used to appeal a Punishment (Mute or Ban or Warning) Received in all the CoastSideMC Platforms.

Please use the following format to appeal your punishment. Failure of not using the specified format will automatically deny your appeal.

What is your Minecraft username?

What is your discord ID?

What is your punishment ID?

What Punishment did you receive?

Why were you punished?

Staff Member that issued the punishment?

Why should your appeal be accepted?

Appeal Your Punishment HERE

Job Description's 5 months ago



➣Own the server

✓ Help manage & improve the server

✓ Help with bots/roles/channels

✓ Make necessary server announcements

✓ Help with events/giveaways/partnerships

✓ Help with Server Tickets



➣ Be promoted from Senior Admin

✓ Help manage & improve the server

✓ Help with bots/roles/channels

✓ Make necessary server announcements

✓ Help with Support Tickets

✓ Help with events/giveaways/partnerships

✓ Read all Appeals & Applications



➣ Be promoted from Moderator

✓ Moderate channels with our Bots

✓ Help manage & improve the server

✓ Help with bots/roles/channels

✓ Make necessary server announcements

✓ Help with events/giveaways/partnerships

✓ Help with Support Tickets

✓ Read all Appeals & Applications



➣ Have Experience in coding

✓ Moderate channels with our bots

✓ Help with server issues

✓ Help with events

✓ Help with Support Tickets


Sr. Moderator

➣ Be promoted from Moderator

✓ Moderate channels with our bots

✓ Help with server issues

✓ Help with events



➣ Be promoted from Helper

✓ Help with server issues

✓ Help with events



➣ Have your staff application accepted

✓ Moderate channels with our bots

✓ Help with minor server issues

✓ Help with events

✓ Help with Support Tickets



➣ Have your Builder application accepted.

✓ Help with events

✓ Help Build the server

✓ Help Build events.



➣ All Staff Member's


Retired Staff 

➣ All Retired Staff Member's





Hey everyone, applications are open for Helper. We are in need of staff.

⭐ If you apply now, you could receive a fast response given that you're a strong applicant. All applications that are accepted will receive a response within 72 hours of submission. If you are not accepted, do not be discouraged. Strengthen your application and reapply in a few weeks.

This server would not be possible without the awesome volunteer work from our amazing team. Everyone that meets the requirements for the application can apply. 🔥

🙏 Before applying, please read the requirements on the form.

⛓ https://coastsidemc.com/forum/topic/2-staff-application/


puddlepirate06 5 months ago

Hey everyone i'm Puddle also know as puddlepirate06.
I am the founder and Owner of CoastSideMC.
Can't wait to have fun with all of you!

Server Status
Online: 0 / 1000
IP: play.coastsidemc.com
Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.20.x
§aWelcome to §lCoastSideMC§a! §aCurrently §e§l0/1000 §aplayers are playing on our server!