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We're looking to expand our team! 🗒
puddlepirate06 Founder Of CoastSideMC
Owner MVP Member
8 posts
8 topics
5 months ago

Hey everyone, applications are open for Helper. We are in need of staff.

⭐ If you apply now, you could receive a fast response given that you're a strong applicant. All applications that are accepted will receive a response within 72 hours of submission. If you are not accepted, do not be discouraged. Strengthen your application and reapply in a few weeks.

This server would not be possible without the awesome volunteer work from our amazing team. Everyone that meets the requirements for the application can apply. 🔥

🙏 Before applying, please read the requirements on the form.

⛓ https://coastsidemc.com/forum/topic/2-staff-application/


Last edited: 5 months ago

Warmest Regards